Kid Safe Headphone KC03VL 【香港行貨保養】
Sparrow Kids Headphones limits the maximum sound volume to a level high enough to be enjoyed on Hong Kong busy streets, but safe enough to protect kids hearing. Compatible with Smartphones, Tablets, MP3 Players, Game Consoles, and many more, Sparrow Kids Headphones can protect the little ones hearing even when used continuously, and across multiple devices.
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$359
價錢 HK$212
 *Limited peak volume level at 85 dB (the maximum level recommended by many Auditory Health Organizations)
 *For ages 3 years and up
 *Uniquely sound activated blinking LED blinks with music for fun
 *Over-the-ear passive noise canceling ear cups reduce the surrounding noise up to 80%
 *1.0M long cable with 3.5mm plug (compatible with iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android Smartphones, tablets, PC, CD and home audio systems)
 *Extremely handy convertible construction for easy storage
 *Padded headband and sweat proof ear cushion
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